Women’s Residence
Our Story
The YWCA’s Women’s Residence, home to 193 women, is the largest provider of supportive housing and wraparound services for women in New York State. Since 1930, the YWCA has provided safe, affordable comfortable housing for low-income women, working professionals, and women in transition who want independent living without the expense of an apartment.
In the beginning, the YWCA had two small houses on Church Street for five women in need of housing, thus starting the first affordable supportive housing in the White Plains area. In 1968 the Presbyterian Church donated the Kennedy Duncan Building on North Broadway and the YWCA residence became a permanent facility. An addition was constructed in 1972 through the generosity of Lila Wallace.
Living at the YWCA
Women who choose to make their home at the YWCA reflect the richness of diversity represented by their color, race, age, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, recovery and life experience. You have a unique opportunity to know and learn from women with varied interests and customs. Living together requires that everyone show and receive respect and consideration at all times.
Who is Eligible?
To join us as a tenant at the YWCA, you must be a single female who is at least 18 years of age. Full-time students are not eligible for the residence unless you qualify for an exception under the IRS code. You must also meet income qualifications under HUD guidelines. Please call for income limits.
Supportive Services
Case Management
My Sister’s Closet – clothing
Food Pantry – food
YW Strive – digital literacy and job readiness training
Employment Services
Health Screenings
Residence Application
YWCA Women’s Residence
69 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603
(914) 428-1130